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Intelligent Street Lamp as a New Development Direction of Intelligent Lighting in the Future
Jan 15, 2019

At present, the development of smart city has achieved tremendous results. Smart city is exploring and gradually stepping into the stage of substantive construction. With the acceleration of smart city construction and the wide application of new generation information technology such as Internet of Things and cloud computing, the construction of solar street lamp intelligent street lamp will usher in the opportunity of rapid development. According to relevant departments, by 2020, the market penetration rate of LED solar street lamp intelligent street lamp in China will increase to about 40%.

LED lighting has now become a standard alternative to traditional street lighting in most cities in the world. Intelligent control has become more and more widely and is gradually deployed with LED lighting. Many cities around the world are likely to replace existing street lamps with new and more efficient LED lighting devices in a longer period of time. Intelligent control of LED street lamp access can improve energy efficiency by 15% on the basis of existing 60% energy saving. Intelligent control can achieve on-demand lighting, integrate and manage existing solar street lamp resources to build an Internet of Things platform, and through solar street lamp IOT. Network management covers, trash cans, monitoring, billboards and so on, intelligent street lamps are the future direction of development of LED solar street lamps.

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